Hello there! Welcome to Writing in Red Lipstick – a blog dedicated to celebrating the little things in life.
I’m Jess, a blogger and content specialist living in Northern Utah. I’m originally from the Old Dominion (Virginia) and spent the majority of my twenties in the Washington D.C. area.
Writing in Red Lipstick is a place where I share my passions, embarrassing moments, things I love, things I’ve learned, my travels, and of course, my fondness for red lipstick.
This blog began as a “web authoring” assignment during my freshman year of college where each student was asked to create some form of media that showcased their individual personalities. Even after the class ended, I kept up with it as an online journal and it has since grown into this little space!
I’m a writer at heart (with a BA in English) an INFP, an Enneagram #4, and I’m fascinated by astrology (I’m a Leo) and vintage style. I could spend hours discussing interior design, Tudor England, The Real Housewives, Dolly Parton, Meghan Markle, and southern cooking. If you enjoy any of those things, I’m sure we would be fast friends 😉
I have made the decision to support cruelty-free beauty brands, and I do my best to feature those on this blog. I’m also aiming to become more mindful with my purchases by making an effort to support ethical and conscious brands.
Outside of WiRL, I spend a lot of time exploring my new home at elevation, channeling my inner Nigella Lawson, going hiking or taking yoga classes, playing with Adobe software, entertaining friends, or browsing the local thrift store.
Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I hope you’ll stick around.