1. I will never take eating dinner in a restaurant for granted ever again. Or getting on a plane. Or kissing my friends’ babies.
2. Pajamas and sweats are acceptable workwear, from the chest down at least.
3. The way things are built is broken. We must dismantle the system brick by brick in order to have a better tomorrow.
4. No matter how much you care or how hard you try, not everyone is going to like you. If you like yourself, you win.
5. We must not put our own comfort above the safety of others.
6. To have empathy is one of the greatest strengths in this world. We must honor and nurture it.
7. Being “basic” isn’t a bad thing, things are popular for a reason – usually because they are good. One green tea Frappuccino please!
8. Invest in quality kitchen knives. Thank me next time you chop a carrot.
9. FaceTiming with a friend isn’t the same as visiting them in person, but it’s better for the soul than not seeing them at all. Do this regularly and pick up where you left off when things cool off a bit.
10. Alone time is sacred. Time with loved ones is sacred. One or both of these may have been tough to get this year. Things will get better.
11. Protect yourself from bad energy at all costs.
12. It’s okay if you didn’t get up to much of anything this year. King Lear is overrated anyway.
13. Trashy television is valuable cultural commentary. Don’t try to convince me otherwise.
14. When it doubt, cry it out.
15. Tyler Florence and Bobby Flay are NOT the same person. I had no idea until this year.
16. Don’t be the person that’s “too cool” for something. That just makes you a buzzkill, and nobody likes a buzzkill.
17. “Appreciation” and/or “exposure” won’t pay the bills. Working for free is detrimental to your wellbeing. It also invites people to take advantage.
18. Let go or be dragged.
19. There is not a microchip in the vaccine. Even if there was, nobody would care what you’re up to anyway. If you’re concerned about being tracked, throw your phone in a river.
20. Eat sushi in bed. You deserve it. Just be careful with the soy sauce.
Wishing a Happy New Year to all, and for the love of God PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASK!!
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